Baby Name Rankings of Zeb

Zeb: Statistics About The Baby Name Zeb

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1909888120.0068% ***
1905100080.0056% ***
1904759110.0079% ***
1903695120.0093% ***
190293280.0060% ***
189985780.0069% ***
1896640130.0101% ***
1895683110.0087% ***
189295570.0053% ***
189176680.0073% ***
189081380.0067% ***
188978980.0067% ***
1888504160.0123% ***
188775280.0073% ***
188675880.0067% ***
1884612110.0090% ***
1883526130.0116% ***
1882651100.0082% ***
1881595100.0092% ***
1880639100.0084% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.