Baby Name Rankings of Zavier

Zavier: Statistics About The Baby Name Zavier

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20239062550.0139% ***
20229432410.0129% ***
20219552340.0126% ***
20208882540.0138% ***
20198902450.0128% ***
20189912080.0108% ***
20178652500.0127% ***
20168832470.0122% ***
20158642590.0128% ***
20148852440.0120% ***
20137982770.0138% ***
20128172680.0133% ***
20117503000.0149% ***
20107373090.0152% ***
20098632430.0116% ***
20087423020.0140% ***
20078302540.0116% ***
20068092470.0115% ***
20059041940.0093% ***
20049371770.0085% ***
20039631660.0080% ***
20029261730.0084% ***
20019851550.0075% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.