Baby Name Rankings of Zane

Zane: Statistics About The Baby Name Zane

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20232771,2200.0666% ***
20222581,3380.0718% ***
20212381,4740.0792% ***
20202591,3520.0733% ***
20192391,5760.0826% ***
20182002,0140.1044% ***
20172021,9380.0987% ***
20162111,8620.0923% ***
20152331,6500.0814% ***
20142241,6740.0825% ***
20132151,7190.0859% ***
20122241,5760.0784% ***
20112201,5930.0791% ***
20102401,4450.0711% ***
20092351,4990.0715% ***
20082351,5440.0718% ***
20072321,5640.0717% ***
20062431,3890.0644% ***
20052371,4100.0676% ***
20042311,4360.0691% ***
20032201,5840.0759% ***
20022221,5520.0754% ***
20012511,3270.0644% ***
20002461,3670.0657% ***
19992531,2370.0608% ***
19982681,0720.0530% ***
19972711,0410.0522% ***
19962919180.0459% ***
19953327710.0384% ***
19943257770.0382% ***
19933476910.0335% ***
19923736210.0296% ***
19914434960.0234% ***
19904345100.0237% ***
19894594210.0201% ***
19884703770.0189% ***
19874943230.0166% ***
19864513710.0193% ***
19854753310.0172% ***
19845562400.0128% ***
19835882080.0112% ***
19825632320.0123% ***
19815942080.0112% ***
19806291930.0104% ***
19796351840.0103% ***
19786521660.0097% ***
19777431330.0078% ***
19767171370.0084% ***
19757421260.0078% ***
19747101350.0083% ***
19737081290.0080% ***
19726771410.0084% ***
19717221310.0072% ***
19706911440.0076% ***
19697341140.0062% ***
19686801230.0069% ***
19677151080.0061% ***
1966756950.0052% ***
19657361020.0054% ***
19647201150.0057% ***
19636551430.0069% ***
19626361480.0070% ***
19616261610.0075% ***
19607161190.0055% ***
19596271520.0070% ***
19586351470.0068% ***
19575981660.0076% ***
19566831210.0056% ***
19557061080.0052% ***
19547091060.0051% ***
19537081010.0051% ***
1952820740.0038% ***
1951828730.0038% ***
1950829690.0038% ***
1949813710.0040% ***
1948706900.0051% ***
1947842680.0037% ***
1946875570.0035% ***
1945914500.0037% ***
1944958460.0033% ***
1943841620.0043% ***
1942850600.0043% ***
1941874530.0042% ***
1940748680.0057% ***
1939790600.0053% ***
1938785620.0055% ***
1937907480.0044% ***
1936771630.0059% ***
1935667800.0075% ***
1934715740.0070% ***
1933638830.0082% ***
1932690810.0076% ***
1931733710.0067% ***
1930741740.0066% ***
1929879580.0052% ***
1928712810.0071% ***
1927762750.0065% ***
19265951120.0098% ***
1925764750.0065% ***
1924706870.0074% ***
1923739790.0070% ***
1922794720.0064% ***
1921928580.0051% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.