Baby Name Rankings of Zain

Zain: Statistics About The Baby Name Zain

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20235495310.0290% ***
20225565350.0287% ***
20215884720.0254% ***
20205724840.0262% ***
20195395240.0275% ***
20185874650.0241% ***
20176453990.0203% ***
20166813660.0181% ***
20157143450.0170% ***
20146793720.0183% ***
20136633600.0180% ***
20127133290.0164% ***
20117343080.0153% ***
20107842780.0137% ***
20097702930.0140% ***
20087972720.0126% ***
20078722320.0106% ***
20068652270.0105% ***
20058552110.0101% ***
20048362100.0101% ***
20038891890.0091% ***
20029181740.0085% ***
20019281670.0081% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.