Baby Name Rankings of Yvonne

Yvonne: Statistics About The Baby Name Yvonne

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2002*** 9422370.0121%
2000*** 8282710.0136%
1999*** 7982740.0141%
1998*** 6903290.0170%
1997*** 6273580.0188%
1996*** 5304460.0233%
1995*** 5274570.0238%
1994*** 4825200.0267%
1993*** 4505560.0282%
1992*** 3826760.0338%
1991*** 3936490.0320%
1990*** 3717060.0344%
1989*** 3786690.0336%
1988*** 3656680.0348%
1987*** 3367280.0389%
1986*** 3337290.0396%
1985*** 3197500.0407%
1984*** 3007940.0441%
1983*** 2669060.0507%
1982*** 2511,0030.0554%
1981*** 2331,0780.0604%
1980*** 2211,1560.0650%
1979*** 2121,2360.0718%
1978*** 2121,2080.0736%
1977*** 2091,2050.0733%
1976*** 1931,2900.0821%
1975*** 1891,3310.0853%
1974*** 1731,5380.0983%
1973*** 1591,7200.1107%
1972*** 1491,9050.1182%
1971*** 1482,1880.1250%
1970*** 1432,3660.1293%
1969*** 1432,3470.1332%
1968*** 1252,5730.1506%
1967*** 1282,7060.1577%
1966*** 1292,8200.1607%
1965*** 1322,9530.1616%
1964*** 1303,1370.1603%
1963*** 1383,0670.1543%
1962*** 1323,3850.1671%
1961*** 1273,5520.1712%
1960*** 1333,3940.1632%
1959*** 1323,2930.1585%
1958*** 1303,3180.1608%
1957*** 1243,6490.1740%
1956*** 1213,5820.1740%
1955*** 1193,5450.1769%
1954*** 1173,5550.1786%
1953*** 1043,6880.1913%
1952*** 1033,6210.1904%
1951*** 1013,5200.1910%
1950*** 1103,2470.1847%
1949*** 1083,0540.1741%
1948*** 1123,0350.1743%
1947*** 1182,9070.1601%
1946*** 1192,4670.1532%
1945*** 1331,8280.1358%
1944*** 1411,7940.1314%
1943*** 1411,9320.1349%
1942*** 1312,1160.1520%
1941*** 1202,1980.1766%
1940*** 1102,3200.1964%
1939*** 902,6510.2338%
1938*** 1012,6010.2279%
1937*** 773,1680.2877%
1936*** 813,0340.2817%
1935*** 982,3850.2196%
1934*** 1371,4970.1384%
1933*** 1591,1530.1103%
1932*** 1601,2130.1097%
1931*** 1511,2700.1152%
1930*** 1651,2410.1065%
1929*** 1671,2170.1052%
1928*** 1811,1280.0945%
1927*** 2011,0130.0820%
1926*** 1911,0650.0867%
1925*** 2059630.0763%
1924*** 2179110.0703%
1923*** 2238440.0674%
1922*** 2357600.0609%
1921*** 2367620.0596%
1920*** 2477000.0563%
1919*** 2725480.0467%
1918*** 2755200.0432%
1917*** 2994300.0383%
1916*** 3004020.0371%
1915*** 3013780.0369%
1914*** 3032950.0371%
1913*** 3232190.0335%
1912*** 3132160.0369%
1911*** 3471320.0300%
1910*** 3451310.0313%
1909*** 3541050.0286%
1908*** 3541040.0294%
1907*** 3521010.0300%
1906*** 346940.0300%
1905*** 351910.0294%
1904*** 3131080.0369%
1903*** 3011090.0392%
1902*** 347840.0300%
1901*** 314930.0366%
1900*** 360900.0283%
1899*** 370620.0251%
1898*** 419550.0201%
1897*** 405530.0213%
1896*** 634250.0099%
1895*** 478380.0154%
1894*** 545290.0123%
1893*** 629220.0098%
1892*** 684190.0084%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.