Baby Name Rankings of Yvette

Yvette: Statistics About The Baby Name Yvette

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2006*** 9132860.0139%
2005*** 8382970.0149%
2004*** 7913190.0161%
2003*** 7723200.0160%
2002*** 7183430.0174%
2001*** 6393930.0199%
2000*** 6224070.0205%
1999*** 6843310.0170%
1998*** 6213820.0197%
1997*** 5843980.0209%
1996*** 5034760.0249%
1995*** 4825150.0268%
1994*** 4665430.0279%
1993*** 4136040.0307%
1992*** 3437570.0378%
1991*** 3377800.0384%
1990*** 3617380.0360%
1989*** 3417480.0376%
1988*** 3157870.0410%
1987*** 3267480.0400%
1986*** 3187490.0407%
1985*** 3456810.0369%
1984*** 3287070.0393%
1983*** 3117390.0414%
1982*** 2828640.0477%
1981*** 2988100.0454%
1980*** 2818760.0493%
1979*** 2828620.0501%
1978*** 2698650.0527%
1977*** 2589530.0580%
1976*** 2381,0000.0637%
1975*** 2401,0170.0652%
1974*** 2241,1510.0735%
1973*** 2031,2640.0814%
1972*** 1891,5280.0948%
1971*** 1741,7650.1008%
1970*** 1622,0510.1120%
1969*** 1522,1580.1225%
1968*** 1442,2080.1292%
1967*** 1252,7430.1598%
1966*** 1432,4720.1409%
1965*** 1552,4620.1348%
1964*** 1552,5510.1304%
1963*** 1702,2830.1149%
1962*** 1961,9240.0950%
1961*** 1981,8450.0889%
1960*** 2261,4210.0683%
1959*** 2761,0320.0497%
1958*** 3238290.0402%
1957*** 3237930.0378%
1956*** 3028630.0419%
1955*** 3685660.0282%
1954*** 3844980.0250%
1953*** 3924730.0245%
1952*** 4294020.0211%
1951*** 4523360.0182%
1950*** 4533190.0181%
1949*** 5632220.0127%
1948*** 5492280.0131%
1947*** 5612320.0128%
1946*** 6401520.0094%
1945*** 5691680.0125%
1944*** 6871190.0087%
1943*** 6151510.0105%
1942*** 5981560.0112%
1941*** 5041900.0153%
1940*** 6441190.0101%
1939*** 705940.0083%
1938*** 750860.0075%
1937*** 809730.0066%
1936*** 754800.0074%
1935*** 745830.0076%
1934*** 708890.0082%
1933*** 6441050.0100%
1932*** 6711020.0092%
1931*** 6461060.0096%
1930*** 6211250.0107%
1929*** 6001310.0113%
1928*** 5651560.0131%
1927*** 5661580.0128%
1926*** 6391270.0103%
1925*** 5691600.0127%
1924*** 5961550.0120%
1923*** 5951500.0120%
1922*** 6141420.0114%
1921*** 6641240.0097%
1920*** 6601210.0097%
1919*** 6491150.0098%
1918*** 6451200.0100%
1917*** 6311170.0104%
1916*** 774790.0073%
1915*** 709890.0087%
1914*** 786550.0069%
1913*** 747500.0077%
1912*** 793400.0068%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.