Baby Name Rankings of Yadira

Yadira: Statistics About The Baby Name Yadira

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2009*** 8663170.0158%
2008*** 7523880.0189%
2007*** 5934990.0239%
2006*** 5415380.0262%
2005*** 5045850.0294%
2004*** 5525080.0256%
2003*** 6014530.0227%
2002*** 6443920.0199%
2001*** 7113450.0175%
2000*** 7902910.0146%
1999*** 7842810.0145%
1998*** 6913280.0170%
1997*** 6413470.0182%
1996*** 6423490.0182%
1995*** 5853920.0204%
1994*** 6223560.0183%
1993*** 6083790.0193%
1992*** 6273620.0181%
1991*** 6283570.0176%
1990*** 6303550.0173%
1989*** 7152780.0140%
1988*** 7442510.0131%
1987*** 7962200.0118%
1986*** 9801620.0088%
1985*** 8241980.0107%
1984*** 8611780.0099%
1983*** 7312250.0126%
1982*** 7392290.0126%
1981*** 7362240.0125%
1980*** 6722620.0147%
1979*** 7772060.0120%
1978*** 8071860.0113%
1977*** 8271820.0111%
1975*** 9071440.0092%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.