Baby Name Rankings of Xzavier

Xzavier: Statistics About The Baby Name Xzavier

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20209762190.0119% ***
20199402290.0120% ***
20188602530.0131% ***
20178912400.0122% ***
20168002900.0144% ***
20157293330.0164% ***
20146983500.0172% ***
20135994200.0210% ***
20126143980.0198% ***
20115524580.0228% ***
20105464590.0226% ***
20095864440.0212% ***
20086283870.0180% ***
20076263840.0176% ***
20066173780.0175% ***
20056773040.0146% ***
20047152650.0127% ***
20037022680.0128% ***
20027472310.0112% ***
20018921770.0086% ***
20008701810.0087% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.