Baby Name Rankings of Ximena

Ximena: Statistics About The Baby Name Ximena

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 1581,8090.1034%
2022*** 1432,0040.1123%
2021*** 1371,9940.1121%
2020*** 1292,0310.1152%
2019*** 1282,1800.1196%
2018*** 1182,5580.1386%
2017*** 1212,5340.1352%
2016*** 1192,6770.1388%
2015*** 1252,5910.1339%
2014*** 1422,3230.1198%
2013*** 1621,9510.1022%
2012*** 2141,4590.0759%
2011*** 2151,4570.0759%
2010*** 2721,2030.0620%
2009*** 3111,0440.0521%
2008*** 3321,0020.0488%
2007*** 3728700.0417%
2006*** 3938010.0389%
2005*** 3548770.0440%
2004*** 4007510.0378%
2003*** 5105600.0281%
2002*** 6074210.0214%
2001*** 8722620.0133%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.