Baby Name Rankings of Xander

Xander: Statistics About The Baby Name Xander

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20232151,7000.0928% ***
20221991,8920.1015% ***
20211872,0000.1075% ***
20201872,0510.1112% ***
20191692,3230.1217% ***
20181712,2570.1170% ***
20171632,3960.1220% ***
20162011,9990.0991% ***
20152071,9120.0943% ***
20142111,8240.0899% ***
20132191,6870.0843% ***
20122161,7000.0846% ***
20112051,7130.0851% ***
20102541,3360.0657% ***
20092441,4310.0683% ***
20082671,2860.0598% ***
20072801,2130.0556% ***
20062781,2250.0568% ***
20052791,1840.0567% ***
20042591,2620.0607% ***
20032341,4210.0681% ***
20025454050.0197% ***
20017552270.0110% ***
20009261650.0079% ***
19999251590.0078% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.