Baby Name Rankings of Winter

Winter: Statistics About The Baby Name Winter

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 3708260.0472%
2022*** 3041,0480.0587%
2021*** 3249990.0561%
2020*** 3151,0050.0570%
2019*** 3279770.0536%
2018*** 3907920.0429%
2017*** 4496990.0373%
2016*** 5066150.0319%
2015*** 5495620.0290%
2014*** 5565530.0285%
2013*** 6734180.0219%
2012*** 7723540.0184%
1979*** 7052410.0140%
1978*** 9991370.0083%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.