Baby Name Rankings of Winnie

Winnie: Statistics About The Baby Name Winnie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 6124850.0277%
2022*** 5925020.0281%
2021*** 6904160.0234%
2020*** 7743500.0199%
2019*** 8123350.0184%
1957*** 9691150.0055%
1954*** 9531040.0052%
1953*** 9341030.0053%
1952*** 8781110.0058%
1951*** 7361410.0076%
1950*** 7601310.0075%
1949*** 7101420.0081%
1948*** 6751520.0087%
1947*** 6281790.0099%
1946*** 5901840.0114%
1945*** 5251950.0145%
1944*** 5321880.0138%
1943*** 5132100.0147%
1942*** 4762390.0172%
1941*** 4412410.0194%
1940*** 4332470.0209%
1939*** 4272510.0221%
1938*** 4482240.0196%
1937*** 4072520.0229%
1936*** 3922640.0245%
1935*** 3443460.0319%
1934*** 3613070.0284%
1933*** 3333550.0340%
1932*** 3503270.0296%
1931*** 3413480.0316%
1930*** 3952950.0253%
1929*** 3763180.0275%
1928*** 3573670.0307%
1927*** 3354020.0325%
1926*** 3194390.0357%
1925*** 3344010.0318%
1924*** 3004980.0384%
1923*** 3024560.0364%
1922*** 2994610.0370%
1921*** 3034620.0361%
1920*** 2944890.0393%
1919*** 2755400.0460%
1918*** 2835030.0418%
1917*** 2735100.0454%
1916*** 2744770.0440%
1915*** 2764590.0449%
1914*** 2643820.0481%
1913*** 2553270.0501%
1912*** 2682770.0473%
1911*** 2512370.0538%
1910*** 2442470.0590%
1909*** 2372240.0610%
1908*** 2471970.0556%
1907*** 2162340.0694%
1906*** 2162110.0674%
1905*** 2152070.0668%
1904*** 2142030.0694%
1903*** 2022080.0748%
1902*** 1972210.0788%
1901*** 1902180.0857%
1900*** 1902710.0852%
1899*** 1702640.1067%
189899970.0053% 1653040.1109%
1897*** 2201550.0624%
1896*** 1932050.0813%
1895*** 1941960.0793%
1894*** 1862020.0856%
1893*** 1742140.0950%
1892*** 1702180.0969%
1891*** 1682020.1028%
1890*** 1811660.0823%
1889*** 1801620.0856%
1888*** 1881430.0755%
1887*** 1851140.0733%
1886*** 1791290.0839%
1885*** 221800.0564%
188484670.0057% 196920.0669%
1883*** 232620.0516%
1882*** 189740.0640%
1881*** 162840.0850%
1880*** 223490.0502%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.