Baby Name Rankings of Winfred

Winfred: Statistics About The Baby Name Winfred

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1966788860.0047% ***
1965788890.0047% ***
1964778950.0047% ***
19637521070.0052% ***
19626681370.0065% ***
19616891230.0057% ***
19606421480.0068% ***
19596571380.0064% ***
19586641320.0061% ***
19575971660.0076% ***
19565401930.0090% ***
19555741640.0079% ***
19546161430.0069% ***
19535891500.0075% ***
19525441650.0084% ***
19515651470.0077% ***
19505961310.0072% ***
19496021290.0072% ***
19485981270.0071% ***
19475951320.0071% ***
19466211070.0065% ***
19455081390.0101% ***
19445541200.0087% ***
19435091500.0104% ***
19425071470.0104% ***
19415031360.0109% ***
19404711510.0127% ***
19395391130.0100% ***
19384671550.0136% ***
19374461570.0144% ***
19364871360.0128% ***
19354721450.0136% ***
19344881380.0130% ***
19334841350.0133% ***
19324341680.0157% ***
19314431620.0152% ***
19304311850.0164% ***
19294291890.0171% ***
19284221990.0175% ***
19274411930.0166% ***
19264301990.0174% ***
19254142090.0182% ***
19243972350.0201% ***
19233942290.0202% ***
19223892400.0213% ***
19214102200.0193% ***
19203932300.0209% ***
19193932220.0219% ***
19184072110.0201% ***
19173862140.0223% ***
19164011920.0208% ***
19154561460.0166% ***
19144471160.0170% ***
1913436960.0179% ***
1912490660.0146% ***
1911665230.0095% ***
1910728180.0086% ***
1909612200.0113% ***
1908582200.0120% ***
1907590190.0120% ***
1905573180.0126% ***
1904686130.0094% ***
190384690.0070% ***
1902535170.0128% ***
1900743130.0080% ***
1899581130.0113% ***
1898662120.0091% ***
189682590.0070% ***
1895609130.0103% ***
1894728100.0080% ***
1893615120.0099% ***
189285980.0061% ***
189184070.0064% ***
1890565130.0109% ***
1889579120.0101% ***
188775180.0073% ***
1886576120.0101% ***
188569790.0078% ***
1884503150.0122% ***
1883596110.0098% ***
188268890.0074% ***
1881532120.0111% ***
1880570120.0101% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.