Baby Name Rankings of Willow

Willow: Statistics About The Baby Name Willow

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 414,7270.2702%
2022*** 375,0250.2816%
2021*** 395,1430.2890%
2020*** 484,3770.2484%
2019*** 464,5660.2505%
2018*** 623,8810.2102%
2017*** 813,5290.1882%
2016*** 963,1030.1609%
2015*** 1112,7760.1435%
2014*** 1382,3730.1224%
2013*** 1552,0550.1076%
2012*** 1711,8060.0940%
2011*** 2021,5460.0805%
2010*** 2901,1050.0569%
2009*** 3151,0310.0515%
2008*** 4087760.0378%
2007*** 4307500.0360%
2006*** 5295650.0275%
2005*** 5345320.0267%
2004*** 5575050.0254%
2003*** 5285330.0267%
2002*** 5065420.0276%
2001*** 6673760.0191%
2000*** 7613000.0151%
1999*** 7343060.0158%
1998*** 8512500.0129%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.