Baby Name Rankings of Willian

Willian: Statistics About The Baby Name Willian

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19481000500.0028% ***
1946963490.0030% ***
1945748680.0050% ***
1944842570.0041% ***
1943763730.0050% ***
1942849600.0043% ***
1941777650.0052% ***
1940808600.0051% ***
1939771630.0056% ***
1938896500.0044% ***
1937952440.0040% ***
1936870500.0047% ***
1935877520.0049% ***
1934838570.0054% ***
1933923470.0046% ***
1932934490.0046% ***
1931696760.0071% ***
1930740740.0066% ***
1929680820.0074% ***
1928845620.0054% ***
1927817670.0058% ***
1926736760.0066% ***
1925881590.0051% ***
1924907600.0051% ***
1923972510.0045% ***
1922998510.0045% ***
189390470.0058% ***
1890601120.0100% ***
188978880.0067% ***
188891670.0054% ***
188767890.0082% ***
1886603110.0092% ***
1884661100.0081% ***
188371880.0071% ***
188275280.0066% ***
188165190.0083% ***
188090560.0051% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.