Baby Name Rankings of Wilfredo

Wilfredo: Statistics About The Baby Name Wilfredo

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19949551330.0065% ***
19938301620.0079% ***
19927861780.0085% ***
19918021660.0078% ***
19907591800.0084% ***
19897761640.0078% ***
19887251690.0085% ***
19876761830.0094% ***
19866761770.0092% ***
19856311940.0101% ***
19846741660.0089% ***
19836311830.0098% ***
19826191960.0104% ***
19816831600.0086% ***
19806102060.0111% ***
19796461750.0098% ***
19786381720.0101% ***
19776531670.0098% ***
19765702040.0125% ***
19755881890.0117% ***
19746611490.0092% ***
19736151670.0104% ***
19726331560.0093% ***
19716101870.0103% ***
19706031820.0096% ***
19695591960.0107% ***
19685721750.0099% ***
19675671750.0098% ***
19665501950.0107% ***
19655741780.0094% ***
19646141630.0080% ***
19635791880.0091% ***
19626231550.0074% ***
19616081710.0079% ***
19605781820.0084% ***
19595981710.0079% ***
19585811780.0083% ***
19576251500.0069% ***
19566291470.0069% ***
19557171040.0050% ***
19546811120.0054% ***
1953784830.0042% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.