Baby Name Rankings of Weston

Weston: Statistics About The Baby Name Weston

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023754,3560.2379% ***
2022824,0900.2195% ***
2021953,7660.2024% ***
20201043,4160.1853% ***
20191033,5630.1867% ***
20181023,7600.1949% ***
20171093,6370.1853% ***
20161203,3980.1684% ***
20151203,3050.1631% ***
20141362,9440.1450% ***
20131632,4730.1236% ***
20121712,2700.1130% ***
20112031,7410.0865% ***
20102241,5740.0774% ***
20092691,2670.0605% ***
20083241,0130.0471% ***
20073698460.0388% ***
20063807800.0362% ***
20053887310.0350% ***
20043807180.0345% ***
20034086340.0304% ***
20023816820.0331% ***
20014126070.0295% ***
20003986400.0307% ***
19993996130.0301% ***
19984125770.0285% ***
19974005840.0293% ***
19963796140.0307% ***
19953886010.0299% ***
19943646530.0321% ***
19934115640.0273% ***
19923726220.0297% ***
19913466960.0329% ***
19903985790.0269% ***
19894334740.0226% ***
19884314370.0219% ***
19874444040.0208% ***
19864543680.0192% ***
19854683420.0178% ***
19844613350.0179% ***
19834813100.0167% ***
19824893010.0160% ***
19815702260.0122% ***
19806162030.0110% ***
19796551710.0096% ***
19786611600.0094% ***
19776461720.0101% ***
19767091390.0085% ***
1975871910.0056% ***
1973921770.0048% ***
1972865870.0052% ***
1971895830.0046% ***
1969943670.0037% ***
1968935610.0034% ***
1967897650.0037% ***
1957963630.0029% ***
1940936470.0040% ***
1937889490.0045% ***
1934965440.0041% ***
1927989510.0044% ***
1923839660.0058% ***
1920928560.0051% ***
1919849610.0060% ***
1918949500.0048% ***
1917916490.0051% ***
1916963450.0049% ***
1915982420.0048% ***
1914867400.0059% ***
1910926130.0062% ***
1908943100.0060% ***
190496480.0058% ***
190292880.0060% ***
189899770.0053% ***
189682390.0070% ***
188283370.0057% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.