Baby Name Rankings of Wes

Wes: Statistics About The Baby Name Wes

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20237983100.0169% ***
20227983140.0168% ***
20218652680.0144% ***
20209912150.0117% ***
20199822160.0113% ***
1972998660.0039% ***
1971901820.0045% ***
1970871860.0045% ***
1969851820.0045% ***
1968838760.0043% ***
1967833750.0042% ***
1966755950.0052% ***
19657441000.0053% ***
19646841270.0063% ***
19636251560.0076% ***
19626831300.0062% ***
19616771310.0061% ***
19606681380.0064% ***
19597011210.0056% ***
1958762950.0044% ***
1957917690.0032% ***
188791560.0055% ***
188484570.0057% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.