Baby Name Rankings of Wayman

Wayman: Statistics About The Baby Name Wayman

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1951993510.0027% ***
1950914570.0031% ***
1949988500.0028% ***
1946996470.0029% ***
19431000450.0031% ***
1942997460.0033% ***
1932959470.0044% ***
1911975130.0054% ***
1910858140.0067% ***
1908941100.0060% ***
190799890.0057% ***
1906796110.0076% ***
190496280.0058% ***
1900739130.0080% ***
189978090.0078% ***
189785080.0066% ***
189682190.0070% ***
189494970.0056% ***
189294970.0053% ***
188576380.0069% ***
188484370.0057% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.