Baby Name Rankings of Von

Von: Statistics About The Baby Name Von

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1971983690.0038% ***
1969915700.0038% ***
1968758960.0054% ***
1967838740.0042% ***
1966774890.0049% ***
1965772920.0049% ***
1964851800.0039% ***
1963786950.0046% ***
19627421070.0051% ***
1961821870.0040% ***
19607401090.0050% ***
19597361090.0050% ***
19586921190.0055% ***
19577451020.0047% ***
1956952620.0029% ***
1955823790.0038% ***
1954779850.0041% ***
1953918620.0031% ***
1952796790.0040% ***
1951826730.0038% ***
1950834670.0037% ***
1948831680.0038% ***
1947927580.0031% ***
1946977480.0029% ***
1940935470.0040% ***
1939954440.0039% ***
1937858520.0048% ***
1935876520.0049% ***
1934775640.0060% ***
1933848540.0053% ***
1932990450.0042% ***
1931920500.0047% ***
1927988510.0044% ***
189899570.0053% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.