Baby Name Rankings of Vito

Vito: Statistics About The Baby Name Vito

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1986999860.0045% ***
1985963910.0047% ***
1983920930.0050% ***
19828801030.0055% ***
19818241140.0061% ***
19808371110.0060% ***
19798041170.0065% ***
19788501020.0060% ***
1977897900.0053% ***
19767941100.0067% ***
19757681170.0072% ***
19747851040.0064% ***
19737311200.0074% ***
19727251210.0072% ***
19717071360.0075% ***
19707561190.0063% ***
19696931310.0072% ***
19686961180.0067% ***
19676891170.0066% ***
19666681240.0068% ***
19656791200.0063% ***
19646191600.0079% ***
19636351530.0074% ***
19626101600.0076% ***
19616511460.0068% ***
19606181580.0073% ***
19596681310.0061% ***
19586241510.0070% ***
19576521400.0064% ***
19566421400.0065% ***
19556221430.0069% ***
19546221410.0068% ***
19535641590.0080% ***
19526031370.0069% ***
19516311250.0066% ***
19506531140.0063% ***
19496071260.0070% ***
19485521470.0083% ***
19475761390.0075% ***
19466281050.0064% ***
1945628940.0069% ***
1944653910.0066% ***
19435871170.0081% ***
19425321320.0094% ***
19415091350.0108% ***
19405661100.0093% ***
19394951360.0120% ***
19385481120.0099% ***
19374971340.0123% ***
19364721420.0134% ***
19354761420.0133% ***
19344831400.0132% ***
19334581460.0143% ***
19324331680.0157% ***
19313882090.0196% ***
19304122030.0180% ***
19293582490.0225% ***
19283892320.0204% ***
19273542740.0236% ***
19263343020.0264% ***
19253213160.0275% ***
19243472880.0246% ***
19233602710.0239% ***
19223412980.0265% ***
19213383050.0268% ***
19203592750.0250% ***
19194012110.0208% ***
19183502730.0260% ***
19173572460.0256% ***
19163662220.0240% ***
19153811980.0225% ***
19143861510.0221% ***
19133841220.0228% ***
1912402920.0204% ***
1911366580.0241% ***
1910651210.0101% ***
1909495280.0159% ***
1908742140.0084% ***
1907774130.0082% ***
1906795110.0076% ***
1905834100.0070% ***
1904758110.0079% ***
1902555160.0121% ***
190194170.0061% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.