Baby Name Rankings of Virgle

Virgle: Statistics About The Baby Name Virgle

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1940948460.0039% ***
1937816570.0052% ***
1934951450.0042% ***
1933975430.0042% ***
1932810630.0059% ***
1930806650.0058% ***
1928835630.0055% ***
1927786710.0061% ***
1926835640.0056% ***
1925942520.0045% ***
1924686910.0078% ***
1923939540.0048% ***
1922789730.0065% ***
1921743800.0070% ***
1920887610.0055% ***
1919861590.0058% ***
1918892560.0053% ***
1916810590.0064% ***
1914965340.0050% ***
1913990260.0049% ***
1912914250.0055% ***
1910857140.0067% ***
1908873110.0066% ***
1907773130.0082% ***
1906100080.0056% ***
1905739120.0084% ***
190496080.0058% ***
190390680.0062% ***
190285890.0068% ***
189985280.0069% ***
1895737100.0079% ***
189195660.0055% ***
189080780.0067% ***
188996860.0050% ***
188684170.0059% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.