Baby Name Rankings of Vilma

Vilma: Statistics About The Baby Name Vilma

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1959--- 9861160.0056%
1936--- 960520.0048%
1935--- 983500.0046%
1934--- 864630.0058%
1933--- 813680.0065%
1932--- 733850.0077%
1931--- 6091190.0108%
1930--- 5631460.0125%
1929--- 4831970.0170%
1928--- 5211770.0148%
1927--- 4792130.0172%
1926--- 6781160.0094%
1917--- 977520.0046%
1914--- 969380.0048%
1913--- 998300.0046%
1912--- 903320.0055%
1911--- 929230.0052%