Baby Name Rankings of Vickie

Vickie: Statistics About The Baby Name Vickie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1984*** 9591510.0084%
1983*** 8731740.0097%
1982*** 7672140.0118%
1981*** 7172310.0129%
1980*** 6332880.0162%
1979*** 6122890.0168%
1978*** 5353360.0205%
1977*** 4724110.0250%
1976*** 3995130.0327%
1975*** 3645710.0366%
1974*** 3117480.0478%
1973*** 2659400.0605%
1972*** 2421,1240.0697%
1971*** 2251,3290.0759%
1970*** 1951,6480.0900%
1969*** 1751,8590.1055%
1968*** 1622,0130.1178%
1967*** 1442,4250.1413%
1966*** 1472,3910.1362%
1965*** 1382,7870.1526%
1964*** 1273,2590.1666%
1963*** 1203,6330.1828%
1962*** 1074,1390.2043%
1961*** 1074,3980.2120%
1960*** 1004,8570.2336%
1959*** 905,4200.2608%
1958*** 756,2450.3026%
1957*** 706,8390.3262%
1956*** 686,9460.3374%
1955*** 686,6390.3314%
1954*** 696,3660.3199%
1953*** 795,2870.2743%
1952*** 765,4860.2884%
1951*** 874,3090.2338%
1950*** 1083,2930.1873%
1949*** 1242,5650.1462%
1948*** 1422,0180.1159%
1947*** 1691,7000.0936%
1946*** 2041,1950.0742%
1945*** 2328160.0606%
1944*** 2855780.0423%
1943*** 3194770.0333%
1942*** 3843450.0248%
1941*** 5131820.0146%
1940*** 5411620.0137%
1939*** 6181200.0106%
1938*** 724900.0079%
1937*** 813720.0065%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.