Baby Name Rankings of Verner

Verner: Statistics About The Baby Name Verner

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1928975500.0044% ***
1923994500.0044% ***
1922902600.0053% ***
1921883630.0055% ***
1920843650.0059% ***
1919786680.0067% ***
1918808660.0063% ***
1917747700.0073% ***
1916914490.0053% ***
1915765620.0070% ***
1914713540.0079% ***
1913695440.0082% ***
1912796310.0069% ***
1911972130.0054% ***
1908940100.0060% ***
1907772130.0082% ***
1905696130.0091% ***
1904721120.0087% ***
190292580.0060% ***
1901534150.0130% ***
1900838110.0068% ***
189880290.0068% ***
1897679110.0090% ***
189689280.0062% ***
1894500170.0136% ***
1892637120.0091% ***
1891632100.0092% ***
189098960.0050% ***
1889522140.0118% ***
188875290.0069% ***
188781770.0064% ***
188669190.0076% ***
188576280.0069% ***
188198850.0046% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.