Baby Name Rankings of Verlin

Verlin: Statistics About The Baby Name Verlin

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1952954570.0029% ---
1951946550.0029% ---
1950891600.0033% ---
1948927560.0032% ---
1946833630.0038% ---
1945947470.0034% ---
1944781650.0047% ---
1943723800.0055% ---
1942784680.0048% ---
1941817610.0049% ---
1940722720.0061% ---
1939801590.0052% ---
1938702760.0067% ---
1937591960.0088% ---
1936621890.0084% ---
1935687780.0073% ---
1934698760.0072% ---
1933667780.0077% ---
1932615940.0088% ---
1931590990.0093% ---
1930787670.0059% ---
19295431170.0106% ---
1928711810.0071% ---
1927738790.0068% ---
1926706820.0072% ---
1925703850.0074% ---
1924779750.0064% ---
1923822680.0060% ---
1922741800.0071% ---
1921875640.0056% ---
1920734800.0073% ---
1919799670.0066% ---
1918694830.0079% ---
1917744710.0074% ---
1916648830.0090% ---
1915816570.0065% ---
1914982330.0048% ---
1913896310.0058% ---
1912913250.0055% ---
1911970130.0054% ---
190599280.0056% ---