Baby Name Rankings of Venita

Venita: Statistics About The Baby Name Venita

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1962*** 9051370.0068%
1961*** 7371990.0096%
1960*** 6472430.0117%
1959*** 7751720.0083%
1958*** 8071560.0076%
1957*** 8541420.0068%
1956*** 8421400.0068%
1955*** 8751240.0062%
1954*** 8561230.0062%
1953*** 7411520.0079%
1948*** 907920.0053%
1944*** 954670.0049%
1943*** 989650.0045%
1941*** 973570.0046%
1940*** 890650.0055%
1939*** 833700.0062%
1938*** 855690.0060%
1937*** 870640.0058%
1936*** 802710.0066%
1935*** 768780.0072%
1934*** 935550.0051%
1933*** 946530.0051%
1932*** 862660.0060%
1931*** 953540.0049%
1930*** 845720.0062%
1927*** 989600.0049%
1926*** 911680.0055%
1925*** 961610.0048%
1924*** 1000590.0046%
1923*** 977590.0047%
1922*** 905660.0053%
1921*** 893690.0054%
1920*** 940610.0049%
1919*** 983540.0046%
1918*** 927600.0050%
1916*** 927550.0051%
1915*** 883560.0055%
1914*** 887440.0055%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.