Baby Name Rankings of Valentin

Valentin: Statistics About The Baby Name Valentin

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20237113720.0203% ***
20228033120.0167% ***
20218212900.0156% ***
20207713080.0167% ***
20198402670.0140% ***
20188382640.0137% ***
20179252260.0115% ***
20168352700.0134% ***
20159222310.0114% ***
20149802120.0104% ***
20138792370.0118% ***
20128972310.0115% ***
20119642040.0101% ***
20107952710.0133% ***
20097363130.0149% ***
20086413750.0174% ***
20076123980.0183% ***
20069112060.0096% ***
20059451810.0087% ***
20039191800.0086% ***
20019971530.0074% ***
20009571590.0076% ***
19998981670.0082% ***
19989791410.0070% ***
19978501670.0084% ***
19969061460.0073% ***
19959561350.0067% ***
19948721530.0075% ***
19939811220.0059% ***
19919081340.0063% ***
19909051300.0061% ***
19899351190.0057% ***
19871000910.0047% ***
1985990860.0045% ***
1984908940.0050% ***
1983931900.0048% ***
1982981850.0045% ***
19818111160.0062% ***
1980920940.0051% ***
1976894860.0053% ***
1975981710.0044% ***
1973946730.0045% ***
1969978620.0034% ***
1950890600.0033% ***
1934942460.0043% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.