Baby Name Rankings of Ulises

Ulises: Statistics About The Baby Name Ulises

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20239942210.0121% ***
20219372400.0129% ***
20208742580.0140% ***
20198312700.0141% ***
20189092360.0122% ***
20179232270.0116% ***
20169412220.0110% ***
20159082370.0117% ***
20147493130.0154% ***
20138062700.0135% ***
20127263200.0159% ***
20116613550.0176% ***
20105544500.0221% ***
20095994270.0204% ***
20085824330.0201% ***
20075624520.0207% ***
20065254770.0221% ***
20055454340.0208% ***
20045913710.0178% ***
20036373200.0153% ***
20025444050.0197% ***
20015374050.0197% ***
20005543790.0182% ***
19995024270.0210% ***
19985643490.0172% ***
19976942300.0115% ***
19966432610.0130% ***
19957432090.0104% ***
19947072170.0107% ***
19937791840.0089% ***
19927611880.0090% ***
19917861710.0081% ***
19907981620.0075% ***
19898711340.0064% ***
19858751080.0056% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.