Baby Name Rankings of Turner

Turner: Statistics About The Baby Name Turner

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20219422390.0128% ***
20198952430.0127% ***
20188962410.0125% ***
20169152350.0116% ***
20159242300.0113% ***
20149372240.0110% ***
20138862330.0116% ***
20129692060.0103% ***
20119212170.0108% ***
20089732030.0094% ***
20079372090.0096% ***
20049131840.0088% ***
20029331720.0084% ***
20018361940.0094% ***
20008951740.0084% ***
19997961930.0095% ***
19988201830.0090% ***
19978431700.0085% ***
19968331720.0086% ***
19959131470.0073% ***
19948981470.0072% ***
1939932460.0041% ***
1933991420.0041% ***
1930940520.0046% ***
1929973490.0044% ***
1926914550.0048% ***
1925879590.0051% ***
1923930550.0049% ***
1922787730.0065% ***
1921770760.0067% ***
1920842650.0059% ***
1919860590.0058% ***
1918711800.0076% ***
1917757690.0072% ***
1916731690.0075% ***
1915733670.0076% ***
1914784460.0067% ***
1913803360.0067% ***
1912751340.0075% ***
1911640240.0100% ***
1910535290.0139% ***
1909541240.0136% ***
1908741140.0084% ***
1907587190.0120% ***
1906563180.0125% ***
1905449250.0175% ***
1904682130.0094% ***
1903692120.0093% ***
1902458220.0166% ***
1901557140.0121% ***
1900603180.0111% ***
1899499160.0139% ***
1898571150.0114% ***
1897551150.0123% ***
1896422220.0170% ***
1895607130.0103% ***
1894417210.0168% ***
1893419200.0165% ***
1892542150.0114% ***
1891591110.0101% ***
1890456170.0142% ***
1889444180.0151% ***
1888358270.0208% ***
1887511130.0119% ***
1886488150.0126% ***
1885544130.0112% ***
1884658100.0081% ***
1883593110.0098% ***
1882451170.0139% ***
1881413180.0166% ***
1880596110.0093% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.