Baby Name Rankings of Trinidad

Trinidad: Statistics About The Baby Name Trinidad

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1967999530.0030% ***
1952835710.0036% ***
1951864660.0035% ***
1950903580.0032% ***
1949837670.0037% ***
1948884600.0034% ***
1947926580.0031% ***
1946891550.0033% ***
1945837570.0042% ***
1942877570.0040% ***
1941927480.0038% ***
1936890480.0045% ***
1934983430.0041% ***
1932948480.0045% ***
1931910510.0048% 981510.0046%
1930*** 970580.0050%
1929972490.0044% 933600.0052%
1928863600.0053% 827760.0064%
1927958530.0046% ***
1926964510.0045% 851760.0062%
1925953510.0044% 939640.0051%
1924916590.0050% 805860.0066%
1923909570.0050% 753940.0075%
19224821630.0145% 4502310.0185%
19215091470.0129% 4722150.0168%
19205791160.0105% 5141850.0149%
1919661880.0087% 5831440.0123%
1918749750.0071% 6941070.0089%
1917827600.0063% 718940.0084%
1916809590.0064% 758820.0076%
1905*** 921170.0055%
190384290.0070% ***
1884*** 92470.0051%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.