Baby Name Rankings of Tricia

Tricia: Statistics About The Baby Name Tricia

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1994*** 8082500.0128%
1993*** 7342870.0146%
1992*** 6563410.0170%
1991*** 5913860.0190%
1990*** 4964920.0240%
1989*** 4625260.0264%
1988*** 3976030.0314%
1987*** 3676420.0343%
1986*** 3656490.0352%
1985*** 3636520.0354%
1984*** 3386830.0379%
1983*** 3566370.0356%
1982*** 3257470.0412%
1981*** 2649420.0528%
1980*** 2561,0070.0566%
1979*** 2151,2110.0704%
1978*** 2071,2450.0758%
1977*** 2041,2540.0763%
1976*** 1801,4290.0910%
1975*** 1481,8050.1157%
1974*** 1431,9680.1257%
1973*** 1232,3850.1536%
1972*** 1212,6080.1618%
1971*** 1093,4710.1983%
1970*** 1243,1320.1711%
1969*** 1192,9830.1693%
1968*** 2859230.0540%
1967*** 3965300.0309%
1966*** 4224980.0284%
1965*** 3955540.0303%
1964*** 3756500.0332%
1963*** 4444790.0241%
1962*** 5593080.0152%
1961*** 5763050.0147%
1960*** 5233420.0164%
1959*** 6092680.0129%
1958*** 6512310.0112%
1957*** 6602230.0106%
1956*** 7471700.0083%
1955*** 8071440.0072%
1954*** 7331600.0080%
1953*** 7861370.0071%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.