Baby Name Rankings of Trevon

Trevon: Statistics About The Baby Name Trevon

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20129242210.0110% ***
20117592940.0146% ***
20107413050.0150% ***
20096783540.0169% ***
20085664530.0211% ***
20075224860.0223% ***
20065304720.0219% ***
20054964910.0235% ***
20044525640.0271% ***
20034485590.0268% ***
20023926610.0321% ***
20013467840.0380% ***
20003617310.0351% ***
19993407800.0383% ***
19983447770.0384% ***
19973128470.0425% ***
19963606740.0337% ***
19953238110.0404% ***
19943636570.0323% ***
19934504860.0236% ***
19925163870.0185% ***
19916552430.0115% ***
19908421480.0069% ***
19899921070.0051% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.