Baby Name Rankings of Trever

Trever: Statistics About The Baby Name Trever

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20049691710.0082% ***
20039181800.0086% ***
20028801860.0090% ***
20018991740.0084% ***
20008042000.0096% ***
19997562110.0104% ***
19987172320.0115% ***
19977242150.0108% ***
19967062240.0112% ***
19957312150.0107% ***
19946592480.0122% ***
19936992210.0107% ***
19926982200.0105% ***
19917132030.0096% ***
19907521840.0086% ***
19897791630.0078% ***
19887421630.0082% ***
19879121070.0055% ***
19868851060.0055% ***
1985978880.0046% ***
1984955860.0046% ***
1981934930.0050% ***
1980929920.0050% ***
1979934890.0050% ***
1978894930.0055% ***
1977997750.0044% ***
19768011080.0066% ***
1975911810.0050% ***
1974911800.0049% ***
1973929760.0047% ***
1972935740.0044% ***
1968992560.0032% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.