Baby Name Rankings of Trenton

Trenton: Statistics About The Baby Name Trenton

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20238612780.0152% ***
20227813220.0173% ***
20216584110.0221% ***
20206214350.0236% ***
20195475120.0268% ***
20185165450.0283% ***
20174526730.0343% ***
20163888190.0406% ***
20153391,0050.0496% ***
20143051,1430.0563% ***
20132661,3190.0659% ***
20122391,4940.0743% ***
20112161,6110.0800% ***
20102121,6740.0823% ***
20092081,8040.0861% ***
20081962,0230.0941% ***
20071772,3110.1060% ***
20061922,0410.0947% ***
20051902,0590.0987% ***
20041862,0390.0980% ***
20031792,1700.1039% ***
20021802,1100.1025% ***
20011812,0780.1008% ***
20001782,0630.0991% ***
19991801,9420.0955% ***
19981831,8300.0904% ***
19971821,8080.0907% ***
19961871,7080.0854% ***
19951991,5280.0761% ***
19942241,2980.0638% ***
19932291,2750.0618% ***
19922381,2040.0574% ***
19912531,0850.0513% ***
19902661,0110.0471% ***
19892549950.0475% ***
19882828260.0414% ***
19873166730.0346% ***
19863076700.0349% ***
19853106590.0343% ***
19843575110.0273% ***
19833884290.0231% ***
19824074170.0221% ***
19814523360.0181% ***
19804393550.0192% ***
19793934190.0234% ***
19784113570.0209% ***
19774802840.0166% ***
19765022550.0156% ***
19754892680.0165% ***
19745232300.0141% ***
19735741910.0119% ***
19725362210.0132% ***
19715272320.0128% ***
19705372260.0119% ***
19695891750.0096% ***
19686291450.0082% ***
19676971140.0064% ***
1966742990.0055% ***
1965752970.0051% ***
1964821850.0042% ***
1963879730.0035% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.