Baby Name Rankings of Tracie

Tracie: Statistics About The Baby Name Tracie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1991*** 9202090.0103%
1990*** 9272050.0100%
1989*** 7372670.0134%
1988*** 7182610.0136%
1987*** 6372970.0159%
1986*** 5413760.0204%
1985*** 5103980.0216%
1984*** 4554560.0253%
1983*** 4524560.0255%
1982*** 4504740.0262%
1981*** 3995650.0316%
1980*** 3456870.0386%
1979*** 3347040.0409%
1978*** 3227100.0432%
1977*** 3137600.0463%
1976*** 2341,0210.0650%
1975*** 2001,2250.0786%
1974*** 1811,4540.0929%
1973*** 1681,6220.1044%
1972*** 1631,7950.1114%
1971*** 1492,1700.1239%
1970*** 1472,3260.1271%
1969*** 1711,8770.1065%
1968*** 2091,4490.0848%
1967*** 2171,3470.0785%
1966*** 2221,3590.0774%
1965*** 2591,0950.0599%
1964*** 2939840.0503%
1963*** 2881,0160.0511%
1962*** 3039280.0458%
1961*** 3617050.0340%
1960*** 4135500.0264%
1959*** 4973870.0186%
1958*** 5443150.0153%
1957*** 5852730.0130%
1956*** 7901570.0076%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.