Baby Name Rankings of Torrey

Torrey: Statistics About The Baby Name Torrey

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19939881210.0059% ***
19918881420.0067% ***
19909761160.0054% ***
19899101250.0060% ***
19888311300.0065% ***
19877651440.0074% ***
19868301200.0063% ***
1984935890.0048% ***
1983925910.0049% ***
19828641070.0057% ***
1981898990.0053% ***
19808281130.0061% ***
19796671640.0092% ***
19785032600.0153% ***
19774613020.0177% ***
19765082490.0153% ***
19756091790.0111% ***
19746851430.0088% ***
19736811380.0086% ***
19726121670.0100% ***
19716741510.0083% ***
19707421230.0065% ***
1969812910.0050% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.