Baby Name Rankings of Todd

Todd: Statistics About The Baby Name Todd

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20159802090.0103% ***
20139662050.0102% ***
20128922330.0116% ***
20118722390.0119% ***
20108152620.0129% ***
20098922320.0111% ***
20087692850.0133% ***
20077163170.0145% ***
20066533480.0161% ***
20055883770.0181% ***
20045354340.0209% ***
20035164630.0222% ***
20024685060.0246% ***
20014535290.0257% ***
20004265800.0279% ***
19993946260.0308% ***
19983667020.0347% ***
19973148400.0421% ***
19962988900.0445% ***
19952721,0240.0510% ***
19942521,1400.0560% ***
19932351,2380.0600% ***
19922161,4220.0678% ***
19911791,7460.0825% ***
19901581,9720.0918% ***
19891462,1250.1015% ***
19881342,2010.1102% ***
19871202,3580.1211% ***
19861092,5860.1349% ***
1985982,9380.1530% ***
1984923,1010.1656% ***
1983873,3210.1786% ***
1982823,5930.1908% ***
1981743,9470.2124% ***
1980754,1240.2229% ***
1979604,9840.2787% ***
1978565,4840.3217% ***
1977506,2670.3673% ***
1976506,4380.3949% ***
1975437,1530.4416% ***
1974397,8450.4819% ***
1973358,6630.5376% ***
1972319,9820.5970% ***
19713012,0420.6637% ***
19702814,4010.7571% ***
19692814,7420.8063% ***
19682814,6500.8256% ***
19672913,4470.7562% ***
19662913,5380.7454% ***
19653013,9370.7358% ***
19642815,3400.7574% ***
19633014,7980.7169% ***
19623012,7260.6059% ***
1961469,7270.4519% ***
1960715,7490.2656% ***
1959994,3330.2002% ***
19581163,4600.1609% ***
19571432,4050.1101% ***
19561562,0130.0940% ***
19551731,6140.0774% ***
19541951,2950.0627% ***
19532071,0930.0547% ***
19522139600.0487% ***
19512407960.0418% ***
19502705980.0329% ***
19493154600.0256% ***
19483643430.0193% ***
19473933050.0165% ***
19464122370.0144% ***
19454681620.0118% ***
19444601750.0126% ***
19434881600.0111% ***
19425271360.0097% ***
19415981000.0080% ***
1940641880.0074% ***
1939737670.0059% ***
1938747680.0060% ***
1937866510.0047% ***
1936973420.0040% ***
188293760.0049% ***
188177670.0065% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.