Baby Name Rankings of Tod

Tod: Statistics About The Baby Name Tod

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1974825960.0059% ***
19736981320.0082% ***
19726521510.0090% ***
19715732040.0112% ***
19704772860.0150% ***
19694522950.0161% ***
19684383020.0170% ***
19674363030.0170% ***
19664572770.0153% ***
19654243360.0177% ***
19643375430.0268% ***
19633335590.0271% ***
19623315660.0269% ***
19613535040.0234% ***
19604573090.0143% ***
19594842630.0121% ***
19584552980.0139% ***
19575671860.0085% ***
19566301450.0068% ***
19556111480.0071% ***
19546981080.0052% ***
1953752900.0045% ***
1952739910.0046% ***
1951885630.0033% ***
1950889600.0033% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.