Baby Name Rankings of Tia

Tia: Statistics About The Baby Name Tia

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2012*** 9662620.0136%
2011*** 9172810.0146%
2009*** 9512770.0138%
2008*** 8803130.0152%
2007*** 7373890.0187%
2006*** 6084730.0230%
2005*** 5595040.0253%
2004*** 5135550.0279%
2003*** 4826090.0305%
2002*** 4386620.0337%
2001*** 4236660.0337%
2000*** 4067000.0352%
1999*** 3478620.0444%
1998*** 3149510.0492%
1997*** 2919840.0516%
1996*** 2711,0630.0555%
1995*** 2701,0120.0527%
1994*** 2989210.0473%
1993*** 2909500.0483%
1992*** 2859640.0482%
1991*** 2611,0700.0527%
1990*** 3039080.0443%
1989*** 3587160.0360%
1988*** 3626750.0352%
1987*** 3407200.0385%
1986*** 3506790.0369%
1985*** 3107810.0424%
1984*** 3017900.0439%
1983*** 2639110.0510%
1982*** 2211,1810.0652%
1981*** 2461,0100.0566%
1980*** 2311,1120.0625%
1979*** 3766000.0349%
1978*** 4025130.0312%
1977*** 4264750.0289%
1976*** 3935230.0333%
1975*** 3675630.0361%
1974*** 4623890.0249%
1973*** 4384380.0282%
1972*** 4803740.0232%
1971*** 5063740.0214%
1970*** 5153820.0209%
1969*** 5403310.0188%
1968*** 4554480.0262%
1967*** 5103460.0202%
1966*** 4704050.0231%
1965*** 7821620.0089%
1964*** 8851380.0071%
1963*** 9281300.0065%
1962*** 8771440.0071%
1957*** 9721140.0054%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.