Baby Name Rankings of Theadore

Theadore: Statistics About The Baby Name Theadore

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1955972600.0029% ***
1953867690.0035% ***
1952895630.0032% ***
1951933570.0030% ***
1950913570.0031% ***
1947859660.0036% ***
1945900510.0037% ***
1944867540.0039% ***
1943794690.0048% ***
1942769700.0050% ***
1941793630.0050% ***
1940719730.0062% ***
1939828550.0049% ***
1938701760.0067% ***
1937806590.0054% ***
1936644820.0077% ***
1935837560.0052% ***
1934720730.0069% ***
1933717720.0071% ***
1932752700.0065% ***
1931695760.0071% ***
1930680860.0076% ***
1929817640.0058% ***
1928773710.0062% ***
1927679900.0078% ***
1926735760.0066% ***
1925695870.0076% ***
1924727840.0072% ***
1923820680.0060% ***
1922777740.0066% ***
1921758780.0069% ***
1920759760.0069% ***
1919781690.0068% ***
1918760730.0070% ***
1917856570.0059% ***
1916893500.0054% ***
1915790590.0067% ***
1914964340.0050% ***
1913851330.0062% ***
1912832290.0064% ***
1911889150.0062% ***
1909608200.0113% ***
1908709150.0090% ***
1907664160.0101% ***
190699480.0056% ***
1905590170.0119% ***
1904609150.0108% ***
1903730110.0085% ***
1902681120.0090% ***
1901723100.0086% ***
1900734130.0080% ***
1898738100.0076% ***
189697370.0054% ***
188987270.0059% ***
188683970.0059% ***
1884654100.0081% ***
188379270.0062% ***
188293560.0049% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.