Baby Name Rankings of Tanisha

Tanisha: Statistics About The Baby Name Tanisha

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1998*** 8582480.0128%
1997*** 7282930.0154%
1996*** 5554200.0219%
1995*** 5334470.0233%
1994*** 4405740.0295%
1993*** 4345780.0294%
1992*** 3876670.0333%
1991*** 3766810.0335%
1990*** 3856820.0332%
1989*** 4006160.0309%
1988*** 3906150.0321%
1987*** 3506860.0367%
1986*** 3516780.0368%
1985*** 3696300.0342%
1984*** 3506570.0365%
1983*** 3217240.0405%
1982*** 3197560.0417%
1981*** 3396910.0387%
1980*** 3257490.0421%
1979*** 3446850.0398%
1978*** 3356520.0397%
1977*** 3217330.0446%
1976*** 3396560.0418%
1975*** 3456310.0405%
1974*** 3556080.0388%
1973*** 3895250.0338%
1972*** 3536270.0389%
1971*** 5073730.0213%
1970*** 9771290.0070%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.