Baby Name Rankings of Tamika

Tamika: Statistics About The Baby Name Tamika

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1993*** 8782200.0112%
1992*** 7892580.0129%
1991*** 6653270.0161%
1990*** 5724040.0197%
1989*** 5793800.0191%
1988*** 4574910.0256%
1987*** 4115440.0291%
1986*** 4025580.0303%
1985*** 3367040.0382%
1984*** 2908300.0461%
1983*** 2589180.0514%
1982*** 2391,0560.0583%
1981*** 2211,1870.0665%
1980*** 2021,2790.0719%
1979*** 1861,4150.0822%
1978*** 1661,6340.0995%
1977*** 1581,6940.1031%
1976*** 1441,8690.1190%
1975*** 1302,1570.1383%
1974*** 2461,0390.0664%
1973*** 2938090.0521%
1972*** 3526290.0390%
1971*** 4823990.0228%
1970*** 6352600.0142%
1969*** 7791730.0098%
1968*** 7321810.0106%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.