Baby Name Rankings of Tamera

Tamera: Statistics About The Baby Name Tamera

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1999*** 9132320.0119%
1998*** 8252580.0133%
1997*** 8262510.0132%
1996*** 7382860.0149%
1995*** 7562690.0140%
1983*** 9691510.0084%
1982*** 9551560.0086%
1981*** 8851720.0096%
1980*** 8771750.0098%
1979*** 9721480.0086%
1978*** 8821670.0102%
1977*** 7262120.0129%
1976*** 8231690.0108%
1975*** 6632300.0147%
1974*** 6672250.0144%
1973*** 6362390.0154%
1972*** 6012660.0165%
1971*** 5263490.0199%
1970*** 4924080.0223%
1969*** 4574520.0257%
1968*** 4504540.0266%
1967*** 4264830.0281%
1966*** 4165020.0286%
1965*** 4264860.0266%
1964*** 4035860.0300%
1963*** 3965850.0294%
1962*** 4055700.0281%
1961*** 4025830.0281%
1960*** 4095560.0267%
1959*** 3826140.0295%
1958*** 4494500.0218%
1957*** 6162540.0121%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.