Baby Name Rankings of Tamela

Tamela: Statistics About The Baby Name Tamela

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1976*** 9461360.0087%
1975*** 8531570.0101%
1974*** 7821760.0112%
1973*** 8281590.0102%
1972*** 7321920.0119%
1971*** 5952920.0167%
1970*** 5763080.0168%
1969*** 5553160.0179%
1968*** 5423160.0185%
1967*** 5233260.0190%
1966*** 5003520.0201%
1965*** 5662850.0156%
1964*** 5153610.0185%
1963*** 5153550.0179%
1962*** 5123620.0179%
1961*** 5003790.0183%
1960*** 4943840.0185%
1959*** 4933900.0188%
1958*** 5363300.0160%
1957*** 8431460.0070%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.