Baby Name Rankings of Tad

Tad: Statistics About The Baby Name Tad

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19899821080.0052% ***
19889231080.0054% ***
19879341030.0053% ***
19867841330.0069% ***
19857851280.0067% ***
19847611300.0069% ***
1981990840.0045% ***
1980898990.0054% ***
19798491040.0058% ***
19787881160.0068% ***
19777281370.0080% ***
19766871460.0090% ***
19756231690.0104% ***
19746151710.0105% ***
19736301580.0098% ***
19726231600.0096% ***
19716171840.0101% ***
19705771950.0103% ***
19695991710.0094% ***
19685372020.0114% ***
19675062220.0125% ***
19664732640.0145% ***
19655112220.0117% ***
19645781880.0093% ***
19636061680.0081% ***
19626151570.0075% ***
19616931220.0057% ***
19606461460.0067% ***
19596631340.0062% ***
19586551380.0064% ***
19576291480.0068% ***
19566741260.0059% ***
1955789860.0041% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.