Baby Name Rankings of Sylvan

Sylvan: Statistics About The Baby Name Sylvan

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1935967440.0041% ***
1932932490.0046% ***
1929923540.0049% ***
1928961510.0045% ***
1927973520.0045% ***
1926775710.0062% ***
1925727800.0070% ***
1924794730.0062% ***
1923809690.0061% ***
1922846660.0059% ***
1921769760.0067% ***
1920832660.0060% ***
1919766720.0071% ***
19186061040.0099% ***
1917737720.0075% ***
1916642840.0091% ***
1915741660.0075% ***
1914736520.0076% ***
1913658470.0088% ***
1912554530.0118% ***
1911639240.0100% ***
1908775130.0078% ***
1907769130.0082% ***
1906703130.0090% ***
190495680.0058% ***
190390380.0062% ***
1900783120.0074% ***
1899657110.0095% ***
189793470.0057% ***
188683870.0059% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.