Baby Name Rankings of Sumner

Sumner: Statistics About The Baby Name Sumner

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1929855600.0054% ***
1928900560.0049% ***
1926854610.0053% ***
1925906560.0049% ***
1924894610.0052% ***
1923993500.0044% ***
1922855650.0058% ***
1920840650.0059% ***
1919994470.0046% ***
1918938510.0049% ***
1916880520.0056% ***
1915996410.0047% ***
1913911300.0056% ***
1912911250.0055% ***
1911888150.0062% ***
1910923130.0062% ***
190486990.0065% ***
189898970.0053% ***
189195060.0055% ***
189087270.0058% ***
1886641100.0084% ***
188575980.0069% ***
188474980.0065% ***
1883554120.0107% ***
188169680.0074% ***
1880631100.0084% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.