Baby Name Rankings of Sullivan

Sullivan: Statistics About The Baby Name Sullivan

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20233589140.0499% ***
20223658980.0482% ***
20213738650.0465% ***
20203987680.0416% ***
20193997760.0407% ***
20183878160.0423% ***
20173997920.0403% ***
20164107790.0386% ***
20154596600.0326% ***
20144636280.0309% ***
20135055320.0266% ***
20124905430.0270% ***
20115244830.0240% ***
20106533660.0180% ***
20096523770.0180% ***
20087063260.0152% ***
20077303090.0142% ***
20069162030.0094% ***
20059201870.0090% ***
20049491750.0084% ***
20039521700.0081% ***
20029881590.0077% ***
1900900100.0062% ***
189977890.0078% ***
189898870.0053% ***
189494470.0056% ***
1892683110.0084% ***
189175980.0073% ***
1890663100.0084% ***
1889666100.0084% ***
188880980.0062% ***
188483870.0057% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.