Baby Name Rankings of Stephon

Stephon: Statistics About The Baby Name Stephon

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20049061850.0089% ***
20039571690.0081% ***
20029111760.0086% ***
20018491890.0092% ***
20007272360.0113% ***
19996232920.0144% ***
19985873270.0162% ***
19975074050.0203% ***
19965463460.0173% ***
19955393550.0177% ***
19945323690.0181% ***
19936242740.0133% ***
19926632460.0117% ***
19915313600.0170% ***
19905912850.0133% ***
19896472400.0115% ***
19886652030.0102% ***
19876691880.0097% ***
19867361510.0079% ***
19857981240.0065% ***
19848411090.0058% ***
1983936890.0048% ***
1965993560.0030% ***
1964809870.0043% ***
19637371110.0054% ***
19626721330.0063% ***
19617601030.0048% ***
1960941650.0030% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.